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XJTLU Learning Mall Industry Advisory Board

  • Chair

    Qiuling CHAO

    Secretary of Party Committee, Vice President at XJTLU

  • Deputy Chair

    Jing WANG

    Deputy Director of XJTLU LM

  • Secretary

    Zhiqin YANG

    Business and Product Manager of XJTLU LM

  • Member

    Xin BI

    Secretary of Party Committee at XJTLU, Director of CKI & LM

  • Member

    Zhiruo CHEN

    General Manager of Education Industry in Microsoft Greater China

  • Member

    Qiang DOU

    Director of Dassault Education in China

  • Member

    Jie JIANG

    Channel Manager, Education Division, Apple

  • Member

    Junsong LAI

    Founder & CEO of Nibiru

  • Member

    Yu LI

    General Manager of Tencent Cloud Higher Education Industry

  • Member

    Youhui XUE

    Professor at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)

  • Member

    Lei ZHAO

    President Assistant of Sugon Company, Jiangsu

  • Member

    Zhefei ZHU

    Technical Research and Development Manager of XJTLU LM

  • Chair

    Qiuling CHAO

    Secretary of Party Committee, Vice President at XJTLU

  • Deputy Chair

    Jing WANG

    Deputy Director of XJTLU LM

  • Secretary

    Zhiqin YANG

    Business and Product Manager of XJTLU LM

  • Member

    Xin BI

    Secretary of Party Committee at XJTLU, Director of CKI & LM

  • Member

    Zhiruo CHEN

    General Manager of Education Industry in Microsoft Greater China

  • Member

    Qiang DOU

    Director of Dassault Education in China

  • Member

    Jie JIANG

    Channel Manager, Education Division, Apple

  • Member

    Junsong LAI

    Founder & CEO of Nibiru

  • Member

    Yu LI

    General Manager of Tencent Cloud Higher Education Industry

  • Member

    Youhui XUE

    Professor at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)

  • Member

    Lei ZHAO

    President Assistant of Sugon Company, Jiangsu

  • Member

    Zhefei ZHU

    Technical Research and Development Manager of XJTLU LM

XJTLU Value-Added Strengths

Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence

Centre for Educational Innovation and Excellence at Learning Mall (LM-CEIE) compiles high quality articles and videos from XJTLU staff about their advice based on research or experience on the following topics: technology-enhanced learning and teaching (L&T); new technological authoring tool applications; pedagogical innovations in online/blended education; advanced research in online/blended education; problems in online/blended education with thoughts and suggestions.

Learner Stories